Project Background
CommunicATion SpAACesTM, LLC is dedicated to providing high quality printed products (no/low tech) and other educational and physical interactive materials to families, schools, clinics, therapy centers and community spaces for individuals with communication disabilities who use Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC). We are committed to creating communication-barrier-free, inclusive communication-accessible environments while promoting language learning for all. We believe that when providing products with a Universal Design of Learning in mind we can create user-friendly CommunicATion SpAACesTM for all.
What is AAC and why is it important to create these spaces?
AAC is a method of communicating for people who can not use their voice to talk. AAC users point to Icons or picture symbols (Symbolic Communication) to create a message to or in response to their communication partner. Adults and peers are essential communication partners and by modeling language and using the simple steps of “Think, Point, Say”TM allows everyone to be communication partners for individuals with communication disabilities. When communication partners point to the words as they speak the word, they are modeling language verbally and in print to a child/adult as well as showing communication disabled children/adults how to communicate using symbolic communication.