AAC Teaching Products

CommunicATion StAtions for Ourdoor Playground Spaces

CommunicATion SpAACes design products to provide children and adults who use Augmentative Alternative Communication (AAC) authentic opportunities to have symbolic language modeled in various community SpAACes.

We customize each CommunicATion Station to fit your community and your space. The boards can be created double-sided with one side featuring a custom board created with playground language featured in a core board with playground fringe on the side, alphabet, numbers, and our Think, Point, Say instructions for children.  

Currently, the primary side features English and Spanish languages on the core words.  You send us pictures of your playground equipment, and we will add them to our Communication Station.  We will also add your school or community logo to make it truly custom.


The second side can be customized to use your own AAC board along with AAC information and how parents, caregivers, and friends can use the communication board with non-speaking children.


Call today to find out how you can create a CommunicATion SpAACe, so that all who use AAC feel included, valued, and have a space to communicate and play. See our Flyer for more information.

The CommunicATion StATion with interactive single message SGD’s.

Communication Station's first installation.

Communication Station’s first installation at the Black Earth Children’s Museum in Black Earth, WI. We are currently redesigning our very first public access CommunicATion StATion after learning some valuable lessons after installation.  If you are interested in having one of these for your educational, therapy, home or community SpAACe, please  contact us. We will put you on our waiting list.

Visual Supports and Training Guide

Think Point Say

This training module and visual supports are perfect for schools, therapy centers, and community spaces to educate their organization and patrons on AAC and how to Model Symbolic Language. Visual supports and our simple guide can help teach communication partners how to provide Aided Language Stimulation/Input to make maximum gains. Contact us for more information.





In-Home AAC Support and Guide

We are creating a program guide to help families by giving a step-by-step guide on how to “Engineer” your home to include low-tech strategies to increase Aided Language Stimulation modeling for your child with AAC. Created by a Mom of two boys with Autism and are emergent AAC communicators and Sharon Redmon, AT Specialist. Please Contact us for more information.

Positive Visual Support Lanyards (School version)

These lanyards can be customized to meet your school’s needs or order our pre-made versions. Each Lanyard is double-sided printed and comes with assembled and ready to place on your school, therapy center or personal lanyard. Pricing is as follows; 1 for $15.00; 5 or more $12.00 a piece, plus tax and shipping. Contact Sharon Redmon, AT Specialist. Contact us to order.

Home Version and Summer Camp versions are coming soon!


The Picture Communication Symbols ©1981–2018 by Tobii Dynavox. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Used with permission.
Boardmaker® is a trademark of Tobii Dynavox.